Wednesday, September 01, 2004

SSH Encryption

SSH Encryption

Telnet Encryption / SSH
When you telnet to a remote host server and login everything between your computer and the computer you are connecting to can be sniffed and read by someone with the knowledge and equipment. This is obviously a major security breach as it is tantamount to blasting your login commands and passwords across an open network.
Secure Shell (SSH) sets up an encrypted connection usually on port 22 between your computer and the server's computer that you are connecting to. Everything sent between the two computers is encrypted. The server you are connecting to must be running SSH. Although more and more admins are installing secure shell, there are still lots of internet service providers who haven't. If you are using one that doesn't have secure shell access, write to the admins and ask why not, and if they can set it up. Mostly, they are happy to oblige.
Use Strong Crypto
Once you get a SSH client installed on your machine - the first thing you should do is go into your preferences area and disable (if possible) the DES and 3DES encryption algorithms (which are weak and easily broken). The preferred algorithms, which are much stronger, are IDEA, Blowfish, and RC4 (or arcfour). These are the only ones that should be used to ensure that your connections are secure.
SSH Clients
Terraterm is an open source ssh client for windows machines.
SecureCRT is a commercial ssh client for windows machines - but they offer a 30-day trial download.
F-Secure SSH a commerial ssh client for Mac / Windows / Unix from Data Fellows.
Nifty Telnet SSH is a free ssh client for Macintosh machines. Also with SCP (Secure Copy) which is a protocol for transferring files to or from a remote host.
MacSSH MacSSH is a free modified version of BetterTelnet with SSH2 support.
Putty a free ssh client for Windows.
Topgun SSH for the PalmOS
A further list of ssh clients
Further Reading
Securely Connecting to TAO: the why and how
Secure Shell FAQ
A Quickstart Guide to the Secure Shell
Comprehensive Secure Shell Information
Tunneling FTP over SSH
Security Analysis
The End of SSL and SSH?
dsniff and SSH - Reports of My Demise are Greatly Exaggerated


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